• Accessibility

Extra Information: 

With the course, it would be nice to be associated with the course you're studying for example, with free cardboard from the Project Room, they sometimes run out because those who do other courses take advantage of them and there's none left for those who actually need it. Also to have access to specific working areas around the university as there are a lot of people who needs specific programmes yet have no working area to do it in because other people inconveniently occupy it. eg. Architecture students needs specific programmes that not all computers have, so it is irrelevant for students who don't need these programmes to use these computers and vice versa.

Actions Taken

  • Voting for this idea closed on 3rd February 2020.
  • This idea did not receive enough votes to pass and so went to the Executive for review.
  • The Executive passed this idea so it will go to the next Student Council to be passed.
  • This idea has passed through Student Council and will go to the Trustee Board to be scrutinised.

  • September 2021: This idea was not taken forward under the new system due to insufficent votes. Students are free to submit a similar idea. 


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