• Accessibility

Extra Information: 

The concept is to make use of the green wall at the entrance to R block. The intention is to propose that each accreditation is recognised via a display to enhance what our building represents. Being one of the only buildings in the UK to house as many accreditations as we do. This is further encouraged by walking through other blocks on campus, there are displays on every other wall representing the block or what disciplines it houses.


This has developed from being a CIAT representative where, during this academic year, I've worked alongside our programme leaders to ensure we have a small space in 1R025 that has been used as a CIAT display board. This included a CIAT CPD in 43 poster which was promoted by the central CIAT team to go out across the UK. This led me to feel that it shouldn't be tucked away in the corner of R block but shown as you walk into the block and the idea developed from there.


I also feel as though it would enhance open days, end of years shows & benefit first-year students to understand the importance of the accreditation their discipline is linked to, therefore encouraging student membership sign-ups earlier in their time at UWE.


I look forward to putting this into action and please feel free to forward this to any relevant individuals who can help create an action plan going forward.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 23 May 2022 and closeed for voting on 15 September 2022. 
  • This Idea has failed and will not progress. It can be resubmitted next academic year.


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