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Student Council

The Student Council Meeting is the highest decision-making body in the Students' Union. Twenty Students are elected from engaged groups across the Students' Union to sit on Student Council. There are 5 elected from Sports Conference, 5 elected form Rep Council, 5 elected from Societies Conference (NFI Societies) and 5 more from Societies Conference (non NFI Societies).

Student Council meets at least three times an academic year to scrutinise Student Ideas in order to create policy for The Students' Union and discuss matters affecting the student experience. Student Council also holds the elected Presidents to account by examining and asking questions of their activities, campaigning and policies.   

You can find the minutes of Student Council Meetings HERE

How does a student idea become policy?

A Student Idea that scores either 3 Stars or 4 Stars is considered to be conditionally passed unless the Student Council Meeting vetoes it. 

The members of the Student Council Meeting, therefore, do not pass Ideas but block Ideas which they think will have negative financial, legal or reputational consequences for The Students’ Union or those which they feel are not in the best interests of the student body. This is known as an “active veto”. 

It takes two-thirds (14 members) of the meeting to veto an Idea that has recived 4 Stars and 50%+1 (11 members) to veto an Idea that has recived 3 Stars. 

Any registered UWE Bristol student can attend a Student Council Meeting as an observer in order to put the case for or against an Idea. All students can also lobby members of the Student Council Meeting to encourage them to vote one way or another on an Idea. 

who represents me on student council? 

The current members of Student Council are being elected and will be updated early-mid November:

**Please feel free to contact any of the Student Council to discuss Student Ideas and SU policy**


democratic procedures officers (DPOs)

The Democratic Procedures Officer role is to make sure that democracy at The Students’ Union works by ensuring it's fun, engaging and inclusive.

In order to do this, they can propose changes to how the democratic systems work to ensure they continuously improve and are relevant to the students of UWE.

They also have to make important decisions on procedural matters and deal with complaints and problems that students raise about democratic processes as well as overseeing the operation of Student Ideas to ensure the system is student-led.

Ultimately, the DPOs ensures Student Ideas and Student Council Meetings are open, transparent, and adhere to the letter and spirit of the bye-laws.

who represents me?

The four Democratic Procedures Officers (DPOs) are: Jayden Rushton and Viljo Wilding.

If you would like to get in contact with the DPOs please contact suelections@uwe.ac.uk