UWE Prehospital Simulation Society
"Our aim is to improve prehospital practice and awareness through the simulation of varied and challenging scenarios. Led by students, for students."
> We are a student led society that was created in 2017 at Glenside Campus. Founded by a group of Paramedic Science undergraduate students, the society was created to increase the amount of simulation time that students have access to.
> We include participants from all year groups to allow students' clinical competency to grow and improve, supported by others with more experience. Having all year groups working together allows for professional and personal relationships to develop across all three year groups.
> Based at Glenside Campus, we utilise the fantastic simulation space and equipment that UWE has to offer!
> The events that we organise are guided by the demand of the student body. We aim to provide simulation that students feel they need support or practice with. By increasing exposure to these patients/environments, students practical skills and confidence will increase, therefore improving the standard of patient centred care out on placement!
Our aim as a society this year is to create a learning environment where students feel comfortable practising skills! We are all students so learning from our mistakes is encouraged (and no question is a silly question!). We are all here to make the most of our time at UWE and develop together in a non-judgmental environment, and that's what this society strives to achieve.*
Previous Events:
> Collaboration with Mountain Rescue England and Wales
> Breaking Bad News in the Pre-hospital Setting
> 'Decision making with Doris' Elderly Care Workshop
> ECG Masterclass
> Extrication Masterclass
> Critical Care Masterclass with Great Western Air Ambulance Charity
> Major Incident Day
> Remote Area Medicine Talk
> Complex Airway Management
In May 2019, the Society ran a Major Incident involving a variety of Health Care Professionals such as Student Paramedics, Student Nurses and Lecturing Teams.
President: Chris Harris (2nd Year Student Paramedic)
Vice-President: John Roberts (2nd Year Student Paramedic)
Treasurer: Abby Blythe (3rd Year Student Paramedic)
Communication and Publicity Officer: Khalid Alqahtani (2nd Year Student Paramedic)
Social Sec: Loren Jarman (2nd Year Student Paramedic)
Social Sec: Phoenix Taurasi (2nd Year Student Paramedic)
Want to get involved...? We are always looking for members to get involved with planning, running and participating in sims. If you are interested in getting involved with the delivery of the society please contact us at: prehospitalsimsoc@gmail.com