Becky Risley
We can’t wait to welcome you to this years UWE Summer Ball, to ensure you have a great day and get home safe here are a few of our top tips!
Before a big day out our excitement can mean we don’t feel hungry, but don’t let that get in the way of taking care of yourself, eating before you leave will help slow down the onset of the alcohol protecting your organs from a rush of alcohol and give you energy to keep dancing all day. There will be loads of great food stalls available so don’t miss out on trying some delicious treats from the vendors.
Whether the sun is shining or not (we really hope it is) staying hydrated is key to a good time – alcohol dehydrates us, as does dancing. Keep yourself hydrated and happy by taking regular trips to the water point! Your head will thank you in the morning ??
Looking out for each other is the best harm reduction strategy we can use when using alcohol and other drugs. If you think a friend needs some help, come and find a member of staff and if you can’t find them don’t assume they’ve gone home… take the time to check in on your mates.
A moto for every event you attend this summer.
Whatever you might decide to consume starting with a small amount and allowing time for the effects to take hold before you use anymore.
Alcohol can take a little while to feel the full effects especially when you’re already hyped, a drink every 40 mins to 1 hour can be a useful way of pacing yourself if you find yourself drinking too much too quickly.
Come over to the Party Pacing Station on the day for some games, chats and a chilled space to pace yourself so you can shine bright and last the night!