• Accessibility

Extra Information: Especially for Nursing courses, we are told classification doesn't matter all that much in gaining employment; it mainly counts for further study and promotions. Contrary to this, students are selected for the Dean's List on the basis of averaging a first over an academic year. While this recognises students that have clearly worked exceedingly hard - and have some natural ability for academic writing - it excludes and obscures students who have achieved in other ways: through representing their fellow students, through participation in sports, through volunteering, through participation in other extracurricular activities. Employers like well rounded individuals but there appears to be no incentive - bar the Futures award - to participate in anything beyond their programme.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 25 October 2018 and closes for voting on 15 November 2018
  • Not enough students have voted on this idea, this idea has failed.


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