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Extra Information: 

The NUS is currently £5 Million in debt (£3 Million NUS and group wide of £5 Million deficit). It has clearly mislead all SU's around the country as Plymouth SU has recently voted on disaffiliating and limiting its liability from financial problems.

UWE should follow suit at the earliest opportunity so as to limit the damage from the downfall of the NUS.

UWE should not , as some within the NUS have stated, "Spend itself out of the crisis". This is just bad economics and will only harm UWE.


Sources : https://order-order.com/2018/11/05/revealed-national-union-of-students-unfunded-12-million-pension-liability/







Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 24st Janurary 2019 and closes for voting on 14th Feburary 2019 .
  • Any Idea that leads to disaffiliating with an External Organisation that The Students’ Union is currently affiliated to requires a vote of at least 1000 students and will be decided by simple majority where 50% plus one of the voting members is considered a majority.


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"Honest Opinion" has a legal meaning in defamation which requires evidence – please use facts to support your argument if you can.

Comments in violation of the laws of England & Wales will be removed.

Comments and Ideas may be removed following a complaint by a student member