• Accessibility

Vote Breakdown

Strongly Agree: 5

Agree: 1

Neutral: 0

Disagree: 0

Strongly Disagree: 0

Extra Information: 

The accommodation problem is growing along students with UWE housing students and students having to live this year in Newport, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Weston-super-Mare, bath and Cardiff. The additional support which is provided currently is less then what has been provided previously. And with this issue and continuing to grow as the university take some more students every year and the amount of student housing not growing; it's becoming harder and harder to find and places to live in Bristol, students came to study at UWE not just for the course but to be in Bristol. Also having nowhere permanent live is stressful, is this the same for those who live outside of Bristol who have long can use you've got less time to do study and relax and take part in activities that you enjoy.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 08 December 2022 and closes for voting on 19 January 2023. 
  • January 2023: This Idea will not be taken forward at this time. It can be resubmitted next academic year.


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