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How much food goes to waste because students are too busy/stressed to eat/cook/use it before it goes out of date? ... I don't know, but probably a lot.


My suggestion is to have zones placed around campus where students can put the food that they know they won't be eating/cooking, that can then be taken for free by other students who have the time to cook it. The zones could also contain a fridge for milk, yoghurt, etc. The zones could be clear of out of date things at the end of each day.


Less food waste + free student food = no brainer.

Actions Taken

  • This idea opened on 25 September 2023 and closed for voting on 17 October 2023.
  • This Idea has failed and will not progress. It can be resubmitted next academic year.


Yuliia Shynkarenko
11:25pm on 3 Oct 23 Yes lesgo save the environment
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